Since today’s blog is posting on New Year’s Eve I should be making a post looking back on 2024. This was the year I switched from Snout’s wordless dreamscape journey to the short stories of Makena, Saritha, Alchemist, and the Ink Witch alongside the longer narrative of the dwarves of Kadaz. It should be a retrospective on how I felt I handled these stories and the shift in storytelling.
But to be honest I don’t even know what day it is.
It’s a combination of three major things: the first is that this is that confusing week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve where everything blurs together. No one knows if they really should be going to work, no one knows what they’re doing with their kids in the time they have off from school, no one has any of their usual anchors to their daily routines. The second is that I worked on making comics through the holidays, so my usual workdays happening during everyone else’s major holiday was both tiring and disorienting. The third is that my wife has been sick with a severe cold and cough since Friday, so I have been essentially solo parenting with little time to myself and none of the adult interactions I enjoy. I am worn out and grumpy.
Maybe by Thursday I’ll have the wherewithal to write a blog that reflects on 2024’s stories and how I felt I did with them. Maybe by then I’ll have gotten my head on straight and recovered my energy to write a cohesive entry. But that is not today. Today I am still in the midst of a mental fog that I’m hoping will clear up soon.