Shiny New Toy

With the death of my trusty laptop last month I needed to replace it. I was thinking of going with another laptop but at the last moment I thought of going with something I’d not considered in years. So, with some financial help from my family (and a big thank you to them) I settled on an iMac.

After years of being a PC guy with several towers and my most recent gaming laptop, I’d never had an Apple computer. But I have an Apple Watch, an iPhone, and I do all my art on my iPad these days with Procreate, so switching back to a desktop that connected everything else I was already using seemed like a natural choice. I’ve only had it up and running for a couple of days and I have to say I’m really enjoying it.

The biggest adjustment for me is the screen size. For the eight years that my laptop was my primary source of computing I was accustomed to a rather small screen. I’m not big on accessories in general and generally use what I’ve got when it comes to electronics. So switching to an iMac, with its comparatively massive screen, is a big adjustment for me. My eyes don’t know what to do with all this space.

The connectivity between devices is pretty neat, too. I never had my iPhone linked up to my PC laptop, for example, so having things naturally synch up is a novelty for me. I realize it’s old news for almost everyone else on the planet, but even when you’re late to the party it’s still fun to arrive.

There will be other adjustments, but I’ll cross those bridges when I come to them. For now I’m going to enjoy my shiny new toy and all the discoveries, both convenient and inconvenient, that I’m destined to encounter with it.