Everything Breaks

I have an unlucky streak when it comes to the things I own. They just break. Out of nowhere. Without any sign of wear and tear beforehand. From computers suddenly crashing to cars ceasing to work, I am a strange conduit for the sudden breakage of things.

It happened again last week.

I’d purchased a drawing desk earlier this year and was rather enjoying it. For years I’d drawn wherever I had space to do it, and for my run as the writer of Star Power I didn’t need anywhere to draw! But once I started doing The Legacy my body told me it was time to stop propping sketchbooks and drawing tablets onto pillows in my lap and finally invest in a proper drawing desk.

I don’t think I need to tell you where this story is going.

The damn table snapped on me mid-drawing, with no sign that the metal supports were starting to give way. Out-of-the-blue I found a slab of wood hitting my knees and my iPad nearly flying across the room. Luckily I was able to catch my tablet and moved quick enough to prevent any damage to my legs, but the damage was done and the streak had continued: my drawing desk was irreparably broken, having barely made it a year in my possession.

So, for now, it’s back to resting my tablet on top of a pile of pillows on my lap. It’s not the greatest setup but it’s all I’ve got while I research a new desk. And besides, my elderly cat has taken to curling up next to me while I work (and sometimes fighting my tablet for pillow space), and that’s not so bad after all.

I just have to hope the next thing that suddenly stops working isn’t my iPad.