Last month I had a conversation about age with one of my table neighbors at a convention. She was only a few years into her thirties, just as I’m only a few years into my forties. We mused about our twenties together, and I came up with a summary of these ages that I’m pretty … Continue reading “Twenties, Thirties, Forties”
A few months after my son was born, which is eight years ago now, I decided it was finally time to get in shape. I’d attempted it in the past, several times, and the routine never stuck. But after my son was in the picture I felt the need to be physically fit, just like … Continue reading “Struggling With Self Image… Again”
I don’t have any one thing to talk about at length for today’s blog post, so here instead are a few short musings and reflections. My son gets a lot of cavities, despite our having him regularly brush twice a day. His dentist told us we need to start flossing more reliably with him, and … Continue reading “A Potpourri of Thoughts”
This week my son’s second grade class went on a field trip to the New England Aquarium. Last year, his first grade class went to the zoo and I applied to be one of the chaperones. I was not picked. I applied again this year, and this time I was chosen to be one of … Continue reading “The Chaperone”
I’m super late to the party on this series, but I only just completed the six book cycle of Ursula K. LeGuin’s EARTHSEA and it was one of the best things I have ever read. When I finished the final book I wept, not because it was sad, but because I didn’t want to leave … Continue reading “Thinking About Earthsea”
This weekend I’ll be in the Artist Alley at WICKED COMIC CON for the first time. Unlike most of the conventions I do, which are either anime or generally nerdy cons, Wicked Comic Con is primarily a comic book show. You’d think I’d be more excited for that, given I’ve been doing comics independently for … Continue reading “Wicked Nervous”
I wanted today’s blog entry to talk about exhibiting at Wicked Comic Con this weekend. I wanted to talk about comic book shows in general, and have it become a hopefully insightful reflection of comics as a genre and a medium. But no. Today’s blog entry is not about that because my wife and I … Continue reading “That Freaking Kid”
Romantic breakups can be devastating. The heartbreak that one feels when a romantic relationship ends, whether mutually or suddenly, has been the stuff of stories for generations. But breakups of platonic friendships are equally devastating, and I feel like it doesn’t get mentioned enough. I’m not talking about the gradual growing-apart that many friendships fall … Continue reading “Friendship Breakups”
Normally when I write about my experiences at a past weekend’s convention I only talk about how much fun I had and how great it was to meet everyone and the great gratitude I felt towards everyone that came out to see me. This past Anime Boston had all of that, no question. The attendees … Continue reading “Looking Back on Anime Boston 2023”
This weekend begins my 2023 convention season with my return to Anime Boston. It’s a show that is near and dear to my heart. It’s the first convention I ever exhibited at, and returning to it whenever I can always feels like a homecoming. This year, like last year, Anime Boston will be my first … Continue reading “What I’m Looking Forward To”